Hola chicas,que tal ha ido el finde? Habeis aprovechado el solecito? El look que os traigo hoy es del domingo,que salà a comer con mi chico. Es un look muy basico,cómodo y desarreglado. Tenia muchas ganas de estrenar este crop top,ya que me lo compré pero nunca me habia atrevido a ponermelo,creo que el color del bolso le da un toque perfecto,espero que os guste el look de la semana,muchos besos,que os parece,os gusta?:
Feliz semana!
Hi girls, that such was your weekend? Ye used the little sun? The look that I bring today is Sunday, I went out to lunch with my boy. It is a very basic, comfortable and unkempt look. Was eager to release this crop top, since I bought it but I had never dared to wear it, I think the color of the bag gives you a perfect touch, I hope you like the look of the week, many kisses, what you think , you like?:
Happy week!